The best way to ask questions

Online platform for creating appealing forms and surveys with high conversion fill rate

Intuitive interface ━ create forms using a simple and understandable WYSIWYG interface.
Attractive design ━ create not just functional, but also visually appealing forms.
Analytics ━ number of views, fill time, conversion rates, bounces, etc.

Key features

Key features

Multiple question types

9 different question types so you can choose the most suitable for each task.

NPS measurement

You can easily measure Net Promoter Score (NPS) and understand how willing your customers are to recommend you to others.

Design themes

Choose from our pre-set design themes to create surveys that reflect your brand and attract attention.

Detailed analytics

Analytics on all responses and dropouts at different stages will help you better understand user behavior.

Data export

You can easily export all received data to Excel and PDF formats for further analysis or reporting.

View abandoned forms

You can view forms that users did not fill out to the end to understand how to improve the process.

What it is suitable for


Ideal for companies that need to quickly and efficiently collect feedback. You will be able to increase the response rate and improve the quality of the information received.


Our tools provide accuracy and detail in your surveys, making it easier to get quality and accurate answers.


Great for creating questionnaires of any type, whether it's customer surveys, employee surveys, or event registration forms.

We offer a special rate for all new users


A special rate for our first users


  • 10 forms
  • 1000 responses per month
  • 9 types of questions
  • Analytics
  • Data export


Basic features for those who are just starting their journey


  • 10 forms
  • 2000 responses per month
  • 12 types of questions
  • Logical branching
  • Personalized design


Advanced features for those who know what they're doing


  • 30 forms
  • 50,000 responses per month
  • Collaborative work
  • Custom domain name
  • Priority support